John Huang,  Senior Instructor 

Huang is one of the founder and senior instructor of Youth Fine Art Program / John Arts Institute of America (JAIOA). An accomplished artist, Huang's specialties include watercolor, oil painting, and Chinese calligraphy and painting. His work has been exhibited and collected in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. John Huang has more than 20 years' experience in both children and adult arts education.


少兒美術課程/東方藝術中心 師資:主教導師黃老師,大西洋造型藝術學會會員。前為廣州市東山少年宮,小雲雀藝術中心的美術和書法課程主教老師, 中國書協美協會員。致力於少兒和成人美術教育凡二十餘年。黃老師的油畫、水彩丙烯、及書法國畫作品先後在中國、日本、東南亞、歐美多地展覽、收藏。

